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Thursday 19 October 2017

The report on Studio sale weekend.

We had a good time at my Studio sale weekend. I have heard from artists of various disciplines that studio sale or Open studio is the nicest way to sell works. An artist told me she did gardening whilst waiting for visitors! No travelling, no staying in hotels, and no hassles. And it was! I hope I would be able to do it again next year. Timing is a bit difficult to decide as I have to have enough works in stock, but no rush orders to make. I am usually very busy from autumn up to Christmas. And also up to and a few weeks after shows as I tend to receive commissions. We have also considered the specific traffic situations in Canterbury. When students return to universities, our small city could be gridlock.

Here are some photos of how it went and also links to video.

Mask room
Mask room

Now little animals and some smaller sculptures are in my Etsy shop. Several new sculptures are in my website 'Available works'. And lots have gone to galleries.

I called it Studio sale, but mind you, there was no particular discount on works, except for samples and glaze test pieces. All my works are priced same at shows, in galleries or in my studio.

Here are links to the videos.
Mask room