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Sunday 21 October 2018

Oxford Ceramics Fair and Open Studio

The last two events of the year are coming soon. Oxford Ceramics Fair will be next weekend, 27-28 October and Open Studio, 3-4 November.

Oxford Ceramics Fair is run by the CPA, and exhibitors are mainly fellow and selected CPA members with a group of a few associate members. It is the 19th this year, and I am happy to be a part of it.

Cherry Tree is in the poster and flyers. How nice! Orchard, along with other lovely ceramics, are in the window of Blackwell's Art and Poster Shop, Oxford, to promote the fair. You can purchase them directly there.

I will give a talk and short demo, Sunday afternoon. 2PM.
'Making the invisible visible'. It will be interesting to see if you could understand me. Hahaha!

Full programme: http://www.oxfordceramicsfair.co.uk/programme/

I hope to see you there.

Link: http://www.oxfordceramicsfair.co.uk/


Open Studio

We are having the second Open Studio, 3-4 November.

10-5 on both days.

1 Foxdown Close

Free parking close by.

Mike, Midori and Pearl the whippet will be on duty.


Sunday 14 October 2018

New series - Floral calendar

I had wanted to make new series of works since early 2017. But due to commitments and deadlines I was unable to start it; new types of works take a long time to be completed. There are several steps of trying, experimenting and working out how to make technically and, often failures. In January 2018, I allocated a block of time for it. They were Landscape girls. From there I branched out to Floral calendar, they are those I will share today.

The first ones took several months to be completed. But once I found out how to make one after technical problems were solved, I was able to concentrate on making details. Even so, the record hot summer caused headaches during making. As I have shared photos of work in progress, The first four were spoken for before completion. They all went to a nice homes. As I am typing this, June drop is only one available. Details are here.

Floral calendar. I made one by one when I saw those flowers during walks. They are those give me enormous joy during walks around our house, in the garden and in the woods nearby.

Cherry blossom - April
There is a small cherry tree I like very much. It grows in front of an ugly building. But it has the prettiest warm pink flowers of all cherry blossoms. I visit it and talk to it during walks.

Cherry blossom - sold
Cherry blossom 

Lily of the valley - May
These beautiful poisonous flowers are in the woods we walk. The scent is so lovely. I also have tender memory of them seen in Hokkaido in Japan when I was about six.

Lily of the valley - sold

June drop - There are lots of tiny applets that fall from apple trees in the garden in June. I feel a bit sad when I see them even though I knew it is good for the tree.  
June drop - Available

Kikyo, Balloon flowers - July
Kikyo is the flower of Japanese summer. They are on summer kimono, wind chimes and lots of things used in summer. When I came to the UK, I missed them so much, I grew them from seeds. They are established now, and come up every year. 

Kikyo - sold

Fairy rings - September
Mushrooms are fascinating. They are closer to animals than to plants, they say. There are lots of various types in the woods. They never fail to amaze me.

Fairy ring - sold